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Well, while the Squirtle Squad's journey continues, the post-game in my Heart Gold realm begins. The Champions have been given a proposition: some big-dick G's waiting for them on Mount Silver. Can they answer the call? Or will they be stuck with a heavy bill? Either way, this won't be updated as often, seeing as this is a filler arc.
Progress: Well, while scouting out the cities (and getting the stupid Power Plant sidequest out of the way), two of my organization have already fallen in the beginning of the 'Kanto Thousand Years Travel Arc'.
Fandaniehl met a curious Slakoth, nibbled with a Hyper Fang, and THEN PROMPTLY ATE SHIT AFTERWARDS from the Slakoth's Counter. And then after acquiring the Expansion Card, the run-in with a vicious Snorlax resulted with the entrapment, and Giga-Impacting of one of the champions, Ducky.
My audience was quite upset that she never got to become a Tyranitar.