>>15989179>Natures also provide variety within a species and once again with different movesets and EV's to choose from, the chance of meeting a pokemon that's exactly the same is minimal.Without IVs, the chance of finding a pokemon that is the same as yours is 1-in-25. With IVs that number skyrockets since you're factoring in six categories, each with a random value up to 31.
>It's how you use your pokemon and taking it on your journey, what makes it more then a hunk of data, not pidgey#17494027298 being slightly different from pidgey #857629504.Your pokemon will not be unique beyond
Removing IVs does nothing BUT lower variety. Since pokemon are essentially clones beyond EV training (which can be done to ANY pokemon) and the amie-only nature change that you're suggesting.
Refer to the picture for an example of how varied pokemon can be with our current system. Some of those gaps are pretty damn huge, and the chances of wild pokemon being exactly alike are slim.
>So in the end it's already set which pokemon uses which item because the rest are useless. Pokemon holding random items in battles is a silly idea to begin with.The items are not random, but they do add variance as there are large number of items all with different effects which can affect how a pokemon is used on the field.
A Reuniclus with Light Clay is likely to run Dual Screens, which is helped by its natural bulk. Conversely, a Life Orb one might use Trick Room to take advantage of its speed.