>>54610757>>54610748Went to South Province Area Five to beat up trainers and get the Eviolite before I get much further. Since I have the Exp Charm thanks to the DLC, I had to let my reserves do quite a bit of the fighting to prevent overleveling my main gang.
This ended up costing me when one of the trainers in the Area turned out to have a deadly Flamigo, which scored a critical hit with Wing Attack to take out Yue the Hatenna, one of my best potential reserves. That hurt.
With that said, once I had the Eviolite, it was time for the Segin Squad and Giacomo
>Vs Giacomo>PawniardI accidentally had Muffet in the starting spot(was not my plan) so I swapped in Lady Anna instead. Pawniard hit her with Aerial Ace on the switch.
Then 3 turns of Draining Kisses and Metal Claws followed... oh my.
A fourth Draining Kiss proves too much, taking out Pawniard.
>Segin Starmobile (Revavroom)Lady Anna use Baby-Doll Eyes to cripple the Starmobile's offense. It responds with Metal Sound, but misses.
Next, it tries a Wicked Torque. Thanks to Eviolite, Resist, and an attack drop, it does very little. Lady Anna tries a Thunder Wave, but apparently the Starmobile is immune.
For three turns, the Starmobile Snarls at Anna, who pretends to cry with Fake Tears. One of the Snarls miss.
After another Snarl, Anna begins to Draining Kiss the Starmobile.
It tries to run her over with Wicked Torque twice, but accomplishes little in terms of damage as she simply drains it back with her kisses.
It finally Snarls twice as Anna finishes it off with more Draining Kisses.
I think Lady Anna ended up using 9/10 Draining Kiss PP.