>>54578097>>54578126Had a really dumb death, I left Big Fuzz in on my Flittle encounter because I forgot it had fairy coverage.
>Vs the Open Sky Titan (Phase 1)I used Lady Anna for this fight.
>Turn 1Baby-Doll Eyes to qucikly weaken the Titan, which hits a Rock Throw.
>Turn 2Rock Throw hits Anna, then the titan gets Thunder Wave'd.
>Turn 3Draining Kiss restores Anna to full health while dealing passable damage.The titan Plucks at her.
>Turn 4Fake Tears weaken the Titan's defenses, and it hits a Wing Attack.
>Turn 5 and 6Two Draining Kisses in a row defeat the bird, which gets fully paralyzed.
>Vs the Open Sky Titan (Phase 1)This time with Arven's support. I use Lady Anna, he uses Nacli.
>Turn 1Baby-Doll Eyes to weaken the Titan once more. It Wing Attacks Anna, and Nacli hits it with Rock Throw.
>Turn 2The titan Wing Attacks Nacli, then gets Thunder Wave'd. Nacli keeps pelting rocks at the titan.
>Turn 3Draining Kiss does good damage, and the titan thinks Wing Attacking Nacli is ideal. Nacli Throws even more Rocks.
>Turn 4A final Draining Kiss ends the fight.