>>19552051Torchic is bobbing down the tunnel trail with her beak held up high. She's using Heat Wave to keep the party from freezing to insta-death in here, all the torrid air must be helping Serena loosen up and subsequently say a few things that are out of line.
You'll have to thank smogonchick for that later.
"What's Alaska?" you ask.
"S-Someplace c-c-coooold.."
"Oh, never heard of it. Have you ever considered living in Hoenn?"
"W-What's, t-t-that?"
"A region."
"O-Oh!..I-I remember...w-wait, I-I d-d-don't know.--Abooout that pl-place... I-I h-heard st-stories..th-things t-that h-happened t-thereee, l-lots of years back, in the p-past, i-it's not a s-safe pl-place!"
You shrug, "That was years ago, back when everyone was all unstable about the state of the environment. I remember reading about it online a few times, I'm sure the conspiracy's long since blown over, thanks to whomever."
Only half-listening by this point, u're waifu nuzzles you, "C-Calem.."