>>12100523>>12111520"Some cuts and bruises but I'll live. Won't like it though, mind you."
>>12111604"It could have been a lot worse for the rest of us had greenhair here not been kicking around." Holt said, and then turned to the person mentioned. "Thanks for the save, by the way." Along with that he tipped his hat, then pulled out and released an Abra from one of the myriad dual-colored balls along his belt.
"Right, well, lets get our asses out of here then." Supposing no one else had anything to do or reasons to hold up, he'd go ahead and teleport them back to the relative safety to Celadon to talk more and return Zera.
Also on the way he made sure to make a note to smack whatever scientist developed that teleporter bullshit, it was goddamn bugged.