Don't really have a favorite type but this is the type that as the most fav mon of mine so I'll take it.
>>51538120Pink. Nice team.
>>51538137Classic but ok taste
>>515381432/5. Meh.
>>51538184At least you're original
>>51538217Cool ghosts
>>51538317Cute. Like normal type too.
>>515383872x the same mon. -10 points
>>51538838Cool fossilmons. 4/5
>>51538897Nased bugs lover friend.
>>51538909I like the non evolved ones.
>>51538921You are a sick sick man
>>51539064You have the taste of a 13 yo boy, but it's fine
>>51539368Twice the same evo line is meh but good choice overall
>>51539453Water is cool.
>>51539543BUGS! BUGS! BUGS!