>>53790612>Originally made to prototype/experiment picrel>Would connect via you flavour of cord to whatever Japanese phone you had>Allowed you to trade, battle and compete in minigames online with other people >Essential a Global Trade system/early wifi connection long before gen 3 was even thought of>Battle tower originally worked off this service. Various "rooms" or different sets of 7 trainers would have players compete for who could get fastest clear times >A once per pay mystery gift available>Celebi/GS ball event was first to be distributed via this service, also included the odd egg ticket which we got as the shiny baby daycare egg>Provided DLC to Stadium 2>You could download recent tournament data, boot the game up and watch replays>Even battle against computer using those trainers data It was literally too far ahead of its time, and pushed out as fast as possible for n/a release 6 months after g/s