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>be a completely heterosexual blonde girl wearing a dress, a hat and with a cute monster in you bag (or outside).
>have this carnivorous lesbian girl (you know that because you saw her sniffing beds of strange girls and yours too while rubbing herself in a weird place) as a partner.
>you two are good friends but she's a bit weird sometimes.
>see this, her using those slutty clothes while trying to teasing you.
>you didn't fall in her trap because you're a straight girl.
>she start to approach to you.
>her head is in front of yours now.
>her smell is a combination between the ocean and sweat but you don't seem to hate that smell.
>her eyes are seeing yours, It feels like she's going to hypnotize you with just her eyes.
>her beautiful eyes.
>she says "you're so cute" while she softly rub your face with her hands, it feels good.
>you start blushing.
>she softly touch your lips with one of her fingertips, it feels so strange, is a new sensation that you can't explain.
>you start feeling weird.
>she says with her sexy voice "what's wrong? You're straight, aren't you...?" While her hands goes down until they reach your chest.
>you try to stop her but it's useless, you're so excited that you can't think rationally.
>one of her hands goes down until reaching your secret place, nobody has touched it until now.
>her head start to approach to yours then you realize that she's going to kiss you.
>your first kiss.
>with a girl.
How would you get out of this situation with your virginity and straightness intact?