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Something strange happened to me just minutes ago.
I was wonder trading and i got this Cloyster that is lvl 76, has perfect IVs in everything but Special atk, has an adamant nature and a Champion Kalos Ribbon.
So first i thought, maybe it was a poor kid that didn`t know how to use wonder trade and put one of his team mons, but then again, it has 5 perfect ivs, has a good nature and i checked the guy`s profile and it has more than 170 hours played and has Talonflame as his current pokemon in amie. He doesnt seem to be a kid that doesnt know about breeding or ivs.
In conclusion, im not sure why he wonder traded such a good Cloyster, and even more a trained Cloyster.
What should i do? trade it back to him or keep it?
Id check in which stats he put its EVs but im not sure if it can be done ingame.