I really hope next region is gonna be a cold one like Sinnoh, because good God, do I hate shorts and capris. Anyway, here's my Trainer.
>>30461047You are so rad your radness oozes through my screen. I really like those glasses, you can make a decent civilian Scott Summers-looking Trainer with these.
>>30462517I know some might consider pink a manly color despite what most people say, but I honestly think that bag and the ripped pants definitely don't suit you, Anon, but that's just my humble opinion. I'm more than OK with your choice of shoes, shirt, glasses and hairstyle/color, though.
>>30462578Plain but efficient.
>>30462633Hit the sack, Anon.
>>30462784Love all that blue, but yeah, another color can't hurt.
>>30463400Your shirt really gives a vahiné vibe, I dig it.
>>30468136I sense strong Ruin Maniac vibes emanating from you. And I like it.