I would love so much to run thru all regions with this squad. Establish teleport networks with Alakazam as we progress. Ride on Arcanine on land, Hydreigon in the air, Blastoise surfing. The look on an enemy trainer’s face when they put out a grass or dragon mon to counter my Blastoise who knows ice beam and earthquake with Blastoise’s signature shit eating grin. Trainers running and hiding from me instead of challenging me when they see me riding a fucking Hydreigon. Using Excadrill’s burrowing and Alakazam/Metagross’s intelligence to plan intricate robberies and stealth ops for strategic objectives. Burrow a tunnel from a rival’s home to a bank, but teleport in/out of the bank when we rob it, framing our rival. Using the cash to buy out all the property in my hometown and start a fruit orchard, pie farm. Pipe Sabrina on the regular