Platinum time! Coin toss decided that I'd pick Dawn over Lucas and my Rival is called Gavin.
Started off with the generic >Sinnohearly gameteam.png, but by leaving Ravaged path for last I gave myself a Psyduck. Champ Clause gave me a Machop too so I wasn't worried.
>RoarkRawhide PsyDennis took his six shooter to Oreburgh. High noon came. POW POW both Geodude and Onix got headshot
>CranidosIt leer'd while PsyDennis shot a nifty 80% damage. While Roark healed Crani, Dennis shot again, leaving Crani on 1hp. Headbutt left Dennis with 9hp, but Rawhide PsyDennis doesn't flinch and caps Cranidos off. It then becomes level 14 and learns to disable enemy moves..
>>50709061>Tfw I always get a Golett before Korrina and her team literally refuses to hit it.RIP though, senpai.
>>50706673The ability to get Choice Specs in game nullified her shitty nature, but damn if that Bronzong surviving didn't make me seethe.
>>50707166Why not just run around a fuckton so Wuhan evolves?
>>50707631>How does Starmie fare in B2W2?It wrecks fucking shit, mate! Definite recommend. It practically solo'd Iris for me once
>>50707820Way to go, man! I hope my team is half as kino as yours.
>>50710649Same which is why I'll still catch Electabuzzes
>>50711074I debated on it for a little bit and decided to cut out my non-surviving champs. I have them hidden in my generator so they'll still be remembered some way.
>>50711189 OMEGA BASED