celadon is pretty interesting. there's a considerable amount more gift pokemon than the base game, a man who can set one pokemon's IVs to the max for 350k (the vs seeker has actually been removed from the hack so this is harder than it sounds to abuse), and a closed game corner, presumably until i beat erika. there isn't anything that stops you from going to saffron either, and there's a guy there who can subtract off EVs for free, as well as a guy who can swap your pokemon's ability to its HA for the price of a bottle cap, a rare drop from raids.
so, after doing a bit of messing, i reset my early pokemon's EVs, and am likely going to get to work grindan up a team for erika and morty. might just train the whole damn box.
in case anyone wants to do a nuzlocke of this too and is reading as a point of reference, here's my ev training spots
HP: marill/audino/yamper on route 25 are fairly common
Atk: mt. moon's tunnels have a ridiculously high spawn rate for paras
Def: rock tunnel for graveler/aron
SpA: haunter in pokemon tower
SpD: lombre on route 8
Spe: diglett tunnel for, well, diglett and dugtrio
>>44969135proud of you bro. knew you could do it. ampharos is based as fuck