>>51836100The detailing on my jacket and the hair came out like shit, LMAO
>>51836664Admirable hobby
>>51836915>XenogearsToo based for this board
>>51837392Sex now
>>51837459Fellow Electivire fan? Nice
>>51837534Why Metang and not Metagross? Pretty based team otherwise
>>51837646The game gets easier when you use more than one Pokemon BTW
>>51837777The only good one in this thread so far DESU
>>51837850Sick art, I'm jealous
>>51837870I wish I had your facial hair
>>51837877I like the mostly color-coded team
>>51838062What's your favorite color? I can't tell
>>51839955Based ORAS enjoyer
>>51840826You seem annoying based only off the artstyle and transhumanism is a made-up ideology for hacks but anyone who likes XY is ultimately based in my book
>>51841151That's a sick team DESU
>>51841469Nice Cramorant
>>51842588Porygon2 is cooler than Z and I will die on this hill
>>51843477Raichu is underrated IMO, especially the Alolan one. You have good taste
>>51843480>Favorite Pokemon is Hisiuan Zoroark>Team does not include Hisuian ZoroarkBut why tho
>>51843936...Why not Gold as a favorite game?
>>51844620Herr /vp/oreon...
>>51846622Nice art, I like the background