>RGBY, Stadium, Snap, OS anime, Orange Islands anime, Movies 01-02, PokéSpe RG & Yellow, PTCG (GameBoy) and PTCG GB2 (GBC)>GSC, Stadium 2, Johto anime, Movies 03-05, PokéSpe GS and Crystal>RSE, FRLG, Explorers Red/Blue, Ranger, PokéSpe RS>DPPt, HGSS, Explorers of Sky, PokéSpe DP>BW and BW2, PokéSpe BW & BW2massive timeskip
>New Snap, Legends ArceusThe TCG has only ever been good in a video game context so it doesn't get a mention.
RS anime did a reset so it goes in the trash.
>Adventure (movie), Adventure (TV), World 1, Our War Game (movie)>Hurricane Touchdown (movie), The Golden Digimentals (movie), Digimon World 2>Tamers (TV)>Savers (TV), Digimon Story Sunburst & Moonlight, Digimon Championshipmassive timeskip
>Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory>Digimon Survive, Ghost Game (TV), Digimon Card Game, SeekersPokémon overwhelming wins in terms of sheer passable/good content, but that content is very old. It's the same for Digimon, but Digimon has a more promising future. I also excluded vpets/the Vital Bracelet from Digimon because those are hard to quantify as "works", but they're very soulful and a major part of Digimon. I also think the DCG has better mechanics and is more fun to play than anything on this list. Regardless, old Pokémon was excellent and pumped out soulful works at an astonishing rate.