>>18023542Is that what most people here go for? Ah, I guess I'll post my shinies. All are Kalos born. I have:
>ManectricTimid, Lightning Rod, Male, "relatively superior" with 31s in HP, SpA, and Speed.
>UmbreonBold, Synchronize, Male, "outstanding" with 31s in Attack, SpA, Def, and Speed. SpD is 17 and HP is 29.
>TogekissBold, Serene Grace, Male, "relatively superior with 31s in HP, Defense, and Speed.
>MetagrossSassy, Clear Body, "relatively superior" with 31s in HP and SpD.
>HonedgeBrave, No Guard, Female, "relatively superior" with no 31s. No terrible IVs, though. Can't check because she's level 1.
I don't know what I want, since these are what I used to want. Now I have them, so I guess offer away! Although I would love to trade my Manectric for one that is similar to mine, but has HP Ice. Mine has HP Bug.