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So, I"m watching Pokemon XYZ for the first time, and just hit the Ninja Village, and no one seems to have a fire mon. This got me thinking, what is the most ninja-like Pokemon for each type?
Post your pick for most ninja-like mon. I'd like a list of monotypes, but if you think a dualtype should go in it's place only if there isn't a monotype that fits the bill (steel, for example, might be Bisharp or Scizor).
Here's the list I've just thought up. only a moment of thought was given to each selection, so change my mind!
Normal- Ditto! Transformation is a ninja technique.
Fire- Blaziken? Can't think of a monotype that would work here, but the high jumps and general sleek look of Blaziken works.
Water- Greninja, obviously.
Grass- Sceptile or Serperior? Both are fast, smart, and sneaky.
Electric- Manectric has a pretty varied moveset, which could come in handy for a ninja.
Flying- Crobat for sure.
FIghting- Mienshao, all that lovely meditation and such make for ninja mastery.
Bug- Accelgor! Rawr!
Poison- Weezing? Maybe? Smokescreen/Poison/Trickyness.
Psychic- I dunno. Wobuffet maybe? This one is hard.
Ghost- Dusknoir because fuck you.
Rock- Sudowoodo for a monotype. Disguising itself as a grass mon fooled me when I was a kid.
Ground- Marowak? Uses a club like a katana half the time in the shows.
Ice- Weavile? There just aren't any good monotype ice.
Dragon- Noivern, because it's the only ninja-like dragon at all.
Dark- Zoroark. Illusion and all that type coverage.
Steel- Bisharp or Scizor, maybe.
Fairy- Fuck. Uh. Jigglypuff. Because who the hell else?