>>57255371Damn, maybe 55 was a little on the low side? Lorelei got pretty much annihilated by Grusha. Bruno's Onix got put to sleep and then Dragon Danced on by Crasher (who only had Strength and Earthquake). Agatha was a little scary with her sleep setters, but Magnolia pulled through with powerfull Dream Eaters of her own. I forgot about Aerodactyl so my plan to sweep with Grusha was thwarted. After it was down I tried to set up Dragon Dance again but a paralysis and nothing capable of switching into Dragonite sealed Crasher's fate. I went itemless for the entire run, but since the rival was spamming them (and wasn't missing any Sleep Powders) I made an exception to sacrifice Magnolia and heal Hapu enough to take a hit from Alakazam. Maybe (since I don't have insane badge boosts or uncapped evs) I'll make an exception for champion fights in the future. Mvp of the run was Magnolia. I'll probably choose Squirtle next time, but at least when Kalos comes I'll get another chance to make Charmander work. Insanely fun game, by far the best so far, probably why I did it in 3 days.