Eyyy whaz POPPIN WITCHA DOE. It's ya boy showfeet. bringin you some CLEEEAAAN Pokemon battles where we watch a guy dubbed "champ" take on Pokemon Showdowns ladder using Pokemon suggested by you; Anonymous. YA FEEL ME? YA BETTER FEEL ME.
If champ's current team is gettin BOPPED he'll call "new team" where the fastest 6 anons to post Pokemon suggestions in time'll be able to see them on champs newest team. If champ's gotta go "BYYEEEEE" he'll call "new champ" where the fastest trip to claim shall become our newest champ. Calls only count in thread. Don't understand?
YA BETTER LURK*starts uncontrollably rapping*>Footsoliders:dogars.org>Footnotes:http://showderp.booru.org/>Current Champ:TheKahn !!JyXfiNqKJ0d