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Hours to the Pokémon Presents thing... and I'm not looking forward to it.
Now to prepare for tomorrow's inevitable disappointment that the Kalos starters simply "aren't good enough" to be in the spot light
Ever since the announcement, I've been slowly realizing that Legends Z-A is not going to be Pokémon Z, and the thought of the Kalos starters getting shafted AGAIN for another starter set has settled in my mind.
I just want one thing out of this game... and it is to do the one thing XY should've done; make the Kalos starters a core focus of this game.
Anything else is extra, I just want THIS, nothing else more... I want my favorite trio to not be treated like second class as they always have been.
As a Kalos stan, I'm still waiting for this moment to come.
... though who am I kidding? we Kalosians never get anything