>>30706622More results that dont really confirm anything and only raise more questions. I used a Braviary, which can only be male, that had Sheer Force, and a Starmie that had Natural Cure. Results below:
Parent: 1/3/2/1/4/3 -> Male Braviary with Sheer Force
2/5/2/5/4/3 -> R/A/B/A/B/B | other ability
5/3/2/1/2/5 -> A/B/B/B/R/A | same ability
5/5/5/1/5/5 -> A/A/A/R/A/A | same ability
5/5/5/3/4/3 -> A/A/A/R/B/B | same ability
3/5/5/5/5/3 -> R/A/A/A/A/B | other ability
Parent: 1/5/1/2/2/2 -> Starmie Natural Cure
2/5/1/5/2/2 -> R/A/B/A/B/B | other ability
5/5/1/2/2/5 -> A/B/B/B/R/A | same ability
5/5/5/1/5/5 -> A/A/A/R/A/A | same ability
5/5/5/3/2/2 -> A/A/A/R/B/B | same ability
3/5/5/5/5/2 -> R/A/A/A/A/B | other ability
IVs matched exactly with the Porygon experiment, which was equal to the Lilligant/Blissey ones except with parents A and B reversed, so it seems that having a Male only or a Genderless species will yield results similar to Female only, except with that flip. I'm confident that the genderless one is uncertain though, since it could be considered either "100% male" or "100% female", but that would require even more testing.
What is interesting is that we got a completely new ability sequence. I'm starting to question whether there is a pattern to inherited abilities or not. It seems to be drawing randomly from a pool of options, and I'm just seeing connections which arent really there. The groups with same results were:
>Pelipper / Marowak>Toucannnon / Gumshoos>Lilligant / Blissey / PorygonZ>Braviary / StarmieAlso to note, the original experiments had Rowlets, who have a 87.5/12.5 gender ratio, and did not have the resulting IV inheritance disturbed at all, it matched perfectly with a 50/50 ratio. I'll test next how a 12.5/87.5 ratio works. After that I guess I'll redo most things with 10 eggs instead to have more data to compare. That way, I can try to deduce the perturbations in the IV inheritance, as well as group abilities more precisely.