>>52994663Same case for me, except with a different Pokemon.
I'm 23, and work a blue collar trade. One of the "manly" ones. I'm not of the impression that I look, speak or act like a weirdo.
In fact, I make an active point of hiding my power level, feigning semi-ignorance when friends or workmates bring up most video game or internet things. To be fair, I'm not all that interested in them, I rarely game, and /vp/ is the only 4chan board I frequent. Make that social media site as a whole (Unless you count youtube).
You'd think I'm a true blue aussie cobber, mullet and all.
And yet, since watching M13, and that one zoroark episode of B/W, my mind has been broken by that rusefox.
It's sorta hard to explain, see. I must of been 11 at the time, maybe. I just saw her and something... clicked.
It isn't even purely horny, hell I'd argue it mostly isn't. I been doing that nofap thing for 6 months, and still dream of her, and falling asleep beneath that luxurious fur, or just something little like watching a movie together or enjoying a meal.
I'm not an imaginative fellow, but with her, I can vividly imagine the play of her fur in my fingers, her heartbeat against mine, y'know, that sorta thing.
I'm all too aware its weird.
Real bloody weird.
I'm sure Freud would have something or other to say about it (Funnily I've got a great relationship with both parents, so not that).
But there are bugger all nice sheilas in my town, so why not, eh?
Anyway, thats my rant for the month. Always nice knowing you aren't alone in being a bit of a loon.