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Cool idea, and I love the UBs themselves but they felt like a half-implemented idea.
They are central to the climax of the story in both SM and USUM but it feels like you barely get your feet wet with them and they are gone. Which is annoying because it was clear they were a gimmick that would likely not be continued with the next game.
In regular SM it's treated as if them being released onto alola was a big climactic event, but nothing really comes from it and it's just a vehicle for your catching them unceremoniously post-game. I was hoping these guys would be mini-bosses you had to fight in different areas, with a little story fluff to go along with each of them.
The unique ultra spaces in USUM looked absolutely incredible and gave me a sense of mystery and wonder Pokemon hasn't given me since the Distortion World, but they really are just glorified rooms with cool music and visuals.