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im giving away all my breeding leftovers just ask with disc up and ill send
8x Modest Dive ball Horsea(no egg moves)
3x Addamant luxury ball scythers(night slash baton pass defog)
1x impish premier ball Gligar(cross poison agility counter nightl slash)
3x Jolly dive ball shellder (icicle spear rock blast)
3x Bold dive ball tentacool (mirror coat,knock off, haze)
10x Quiet premier ball Snover (leech seed growth seed bomb avalanch)
1x Naive moon ball Absol (Playrough sucker punch mega horn zen headbutt)
8x jolly moon ball Sneasles ( fake out ice punch ice shard pursuit)
3x bold dream ball feebas(no egg moves)
7x calm dream ball feebas ( mirror coat brine hypnosis dragon pulse)
all are female and Imperfect IV
if you want a male on just ask
and if any one have female HA Dream ball gible and Riolu id love one
and put either dusk or jesse in description