Both A & B were death routes but with different victims.>>15291834 decide to confront the Trevenant. This is wrong, all so wrong on so many levels. No matter how much that poor Phantump may have done wrong in regards to the head honcho. No one deserves a death THAT gruesome.
And no one deserves to have their soul sucked up eater. If anything, it should be eaten in "nom"-style. It's the only way to truly eat a soul.
"HEY!" you call out to the Trevenant, a scowl on your face. Miss Leading however, is hesitant on your sudden instincts, "Calem, wait!"
The Trevenant's gaze falls upon you, and he isn't happy in the slightest. Not only have you suddenly barged in on his dance floor turned "meat-locker", but you're also a human. A disgusting, filthy human.
Humans only remind Trevenant of the pain and suffering he went through as a Phantump, those days were all he did was reminisce and whine about how his parents abandoned him in the woods to die.
His hatred for humans and their sins are what pushed him to evolve and become what may be the greatest executioner the region of Kalos has ever known or will know.
Assuming that his cold demeanor comes from a strain relationship with somebody he loves, you decide to play it up casually confrontational. If all else you can just sick Dedenne on him or maybe even get that zombie Furfrou to show his meddle with a Crunch or two.
"Who do you think you are!?" you yell at the top of your lungs, "You can't just kill your own kind like that! That's messed up, I think you need to calm the fuck down! I don't care if it's an order from your stupid little "Jacques", you know what? If that skeleton had balls, and I know he DOESN'T because he's a skeleton, he'd show up and handle the dirty work on his own, not kill a bunch of kids turn them into Phantumps, and force them to do his shit for him! YOU'RE A PAWN."