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Y'all are too horny, and rip each other to shreds when there's no news. I will take a long break from this board but before I do.....
Look at this tit. This round, soft and welcoming tit. It bounces around so happily. I could watch this thing shake around all day. Such a gorgeous tit. This magnificent specimen really arouses one's curiosity, and any titlovers would be delighted to get their binoculars out and watch its ethereal grace as it moves through the air. Just think of how alluring it would be to witness it frolicking in the bath, the tit's movements causing wonderful ripples of all kinds. What a joyous pleasure it would be to copple this tit and squeeze it in my hand, to play with it underneath my fingertips and toy with its weight in my palm. To feed the tit my seed. In cheerful anticipation the tit practically composes a song of chorus, and I've never heard music more beautiful. I'd lift the tit up, kiss the tit, toss and jiggle it around and give that tit the time of its life. As that tit starts to grow excited and gets all worked up, I'd only go in harder. Give that tit some fun. Shower it in love. Why, that tit wouldn't be able to contain its jubilee as I fondle every nook and cranny of its pleasant shape and form. I'd play games with that coy little tit, chase its buoyant motions around, tease it endlessly. Prolongingly. Until the chirps of pleasure start coming out and quivering becomes uncontrollable. I'd overwhelm that supple tit with firm pressure.... And just when that tit is begging me for some release.... I'd finally, FINALLY finish it off by making that sweet tit sing.... and deliver the orgasm...... man I love women's breasts.... oh also here's a pic of Rookidee.