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Does anyone here have any of these? I have pokemon I'm willing to trade for them, such as:
>4IV Bulletproof Adamant Chespin
>5IV Impish Furcoat Furfrou
>5IV Adamant Moxie Scrafty with Fake out/Drain Punch
>4IV Adamant Thick Fat Swinub
>5IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
>5IV Jolly Pinsir
>3IV Hasty Zorua
>4IV Adamant Huge Power Bunnelby
>4IV Sassy Gooey Goomy with Acid Armor, Counter, Poison Tail and Iron Tail
>3IV Jolly Sand Veil Gible
>3IV Timid Own Tempo Male Espurr
>5IV Timid Unnerve female Litleo
If you can help, thanks. pic unrelated