Recent run through Pokemon Platinum. Using Blissey was an absolute pain in the ass; I do not recommend it. Despite this, it was interesting using some more seldom picked 'mons.
>>293764765/6; Roserade and PZ are sweet. Volcarona is cool too.
>>293766554/6; I really just can't stand Greninja, but the rest of your team is alright.
>>293771115/6; Awesome team aside from Klefki. Infernape and Kingdra, though... Good choices.
>>293782355/6; Magneton and Meganium are two of my favourites. I'm just not very fond of Azumarill.
>>293803605/6; very cute, liking the choices, 'specially deerling and iggybuff.
>>293812156/6; Lovely bugs, these are. I have quite the fancy for Vespiquen and Venomoth. Keep on with the good taste, sir.
>>293817143/6; Not a total fan, but I respect your choices. Seems like it would make for a good battle.
>>293818616/6; I would love to have some kind of a rival battle or champion battle against this team. Varied and interesting.