besides the leg bones, the spine bones are also some of the most difficult bones to work with, especially these ones. for the "Spine0" bone, don't set its parent bone to the "Hips" bone. instead, set it to either 0 or -1. same goes for the "Hips" bone as well. judging from the list of bones,
it looks like you have the Semi-Standard Bone plugin for PMX Editor, so I would recommend deleting the "Groove" and "Master" bones to avoid them messing up your progress. open the plugin again and check the options to put in the "Master", "Groove", and "Waist" bones, and the model should work a bit better. remember to also check the options for rotation bones for both the arms and the wrists within the plugin.
if the model still does not work, don't feel bad since MMD models are so hard to work with. i'll try and help any way i can.