>>53531225Pink Cookie Lucky Skill buffs
>Power Reserves 2Now changed to something like wounded power 3 and wounded sync up 3, further boosts sync and move damage by 20% when the user's HP is 30% or lower.
>Gritty 3 Now reduces the damage done by poison and burn by 90% as well as ignoring the attack reduction on burn, if the user fails to attack the turn it is paralyzed the move is considered as two actions instead of one, if the user is frozen or asleep reduces the user's sync countdown by one and removes the status condition the next turn. Sync move damage is also increased by 30% while the user has a status condition.
>Power Chain 2 Now works in single player as long as the pairs have at least one theme skill in common. Provides damage guard and endurance for the user if an allied pair faints as well as increasing sync move damage by 20% is the user is at 30% hp or lower.
>Superduper Effective 1 Now buffed to a 20% boost while gaining an additional 20% if the user is together with another pair of the same type.
In all honesty Dena will most likely just release new Deluxe cookies with even more niche effects since they're scared they might make another Critical Strike 2 power level cookie.