I'm adding a mechanic to a dungeon in my game where the player is constantly chased by the legendary golems.
Once on the map, they move very slowly but persistently toward the player.
They aren't always behind the player, but instead can burst through walls or floors unexpectedly, triggering a battle where they are leveled far higher than the trainer's pokémon.
During the scenerio where they can appear, this plays:
https://soundcloud.com/dimbus-maximus/running-from-a-statueThe three appear and inhibit progress differently:
Regice will fall from the ceiling and fire icebeam in the player's path, creating temporarily impassible ice structures.
Regirock is the most unexpected, able to burst out of every rock structure; the floors, ceiling, and walls if the player is close to them or in a narrow room. It throws rock smash rocks in front of the player.
Registeel camoflages and can become visible on any floor tile. While chasing it can fade in an out of visibilty. It fires lasers directly at the player, stunning until the "A" button is rapidly pressed enough.
If one is caught, one of the other two will take it's place.
Regigigas chases at one point, as well.
It's enormous and can move in 8 directions.
It can permanently knock down columns and fire beams from its face.
Coming into contact with it doesn't trigger a battle. Instead Regigigas throws the player toward the begining of the dungeon.
They also all have their anime cries.
It's going to be really fun to program.