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So last I decided last week after catching a virtually perfect Magic Guard Duosion via Friend Safari that I wanted to catch a shiny Larvesta by the aforementioned method. Here's the run down of the last week of looking:
>last week, caught a shiny Growlithe, later traded it
>week of no shinies
>suddenly today
>going to resume the hunt, using a Bug safari to faint my Synchronizer
>8 encounters in, shiny Kakuna
>think "fuck that, I already have one caught in nearly identical circumstances"
>reset game
>hunt in Fire safari for about 15 minutes
>get that elusive shiny Larvesta
>Naive Nature, 25/21/5/28/31/30
>EV train it, then go fishing to farm some Heart Scales
>5 Luvdiscs, only one has a Heart Scale
>6th one, it's shiny and holding a Heart Scale
>Quick Ball that nigger
>mfw I'm virtually drowning in shiny pokemon