OP is such a kid. He asked Lillie to MC D Block in order to bait the Lolicons into bumping his thread, decipher the wall of Autism he made to fit all the polls into one post with rules and highlight the block with the lowest voter turnout. But I locked that overrated blonde bitch in a closet so I the strongest, cutest and sexiest Champion will be your D block MC!
Our first of the two round 1 D block matches is bout 7
"Wish 7: Original Pokémon Roguelite game that's not PMD" v.s. "Wish 10: PL:ZA is set in the future and Serena is the player character's Mom". Wish 10 is winning with 1 vote right now on this poll
https://strawpoll.com/BDyNzbNeJyR Apparently some little kids on this board arguing about whether Pokémon Legends: Z-A is a past setting or a future setting.
The other round one D Block match is:
Wish 15: Gen 10 is revealed with cool Starters vs
Wish 3: Pokémon MMO that is very much like an MMO. The kid who made that wish thought Pokémon Unite was barely a moba so wanted something more conventioinal
https://strawpoll.com/LVyK26jWkZ0as you can see it has 0 votes so far.
The reason why the wishes have numbers is so you can know the bracket looks like without actually showing you a bracket. Dumb idea if you ask me but I guess it's too many words for a bracket. The first 2 polls of each block are the round 1 polls. So you're probably wondering what the other ones are.
Let's say wish 10 beats 7 when the thread is archived and wish 3 beats wish 15
then this poll
https://strawpoll.com/LVyK26jWkZ0will determine who wins round 2. And this
https://strawpoll.com/B2ZB9zRVQgJ will get last place is for the block. Whoever wins round 2 will go to the semi finals and whoever gets last place won't be allowed to compete in loses block.
If wish 10 and 3 win those Scenario Alpha and Delta polls won't and this
https://strawpoll.com/eNg6vD4V8gA will determine the winner. But Vote in all the polls if you want your favorite to win round 2.