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Weird shiny giveaway time!
Da rules:
I am listing 15 pokemon that I have to give away. All are shiny, kalos born, 5-6IV, some with egg moves, most with proper natures, so pretty much - awesome.
To take part you have to reply to this post with your in game name on and say which pokemon you're hoping for. HOWEVER, you won't simply receive the pokemon you want, you will receive the pokemon which number is the same as your replies number.
So if you're the first one to reply to the post you get the first pokemon on the list. If you're fourth - fourth one. Etc.
One pokemon per person, so you can either take whatever or thy sniping the one you really want - it's your choice!
If a reply doesn't have a name of the pokemon, or is Gray wanting a shiny 8IV arceus and decides to reply to this post just because, it still counts, although the person is not getting a pokemon. So some pokemon might not be given out at all.
1. Clefable
2. Whimsicott
3. Denenenenene
4. Litleo M
5. Lilligant
6. Cyndaquill
7. Fennekin
8. Caterpie
9. Icy Snow Vivilion
10. Pancham
11. Wailmer
12. Chikorita
13. Flabebe white
14. Charmander
15. Espurr F