Quoted By:
>What are currently you hunting?
Ho-Oh in Ramanas Park
>How are you hunting it?
Soft Resetting
>Previous successes?
I was the Shiny Giratina finder in the previous thread, I said I was going to find Rayquaza and I did just a few hours ago!
Funny story I forgot to mention last time: I found a shiny Crabrawler under some berries during my first Sun and Moon playthrough, I told my friend and he found one in the exact same spot so we both assumed it was a free shiny, years later I found out it wasn't but I always keep thinking that is is simply because I believed it for so long.
>Now it's December, are you planning a Christmas Hunt
Nope! Once I finish Ho-oh i'm going to take a break and then just stick to Masuda-ing eggs