>>41693753There's a difference between "good" and "enjoyable". Factually speaking, from a game design perspective, SwSh are not very good. They are not well-crafted games, and are not particularly engaging to the player, only riding on the coattails of what has come before. This is not a dig at SwSh in particular, but suffice to say it has been a while since we've had a truly empircally "good" Pokemon game, and this game not only fails to buck that trend, but exacerbates it. There are genuinely good aspects of the game, like many games, but they are bogged down by sheer numbers, and the bad outweighs the good by a significant margin.
Whether or not the game is enjoyable is a matter of opinion. Nobody can prove you wrong if you find something enjoyable, although finding certain things enjoyable may be evidence of a psychological deficiency. Currently it isn't WRONG to be mentally deficient, so your opinion is your opinion.
Anyway please stop mistaking a game you find fun with a game that is good. There's a difference.