>>55852989>Drawingboard #30 is still not yet completed, but we are so close to completing it—just four more portraits!let's gooo almost done!
>>55853021YES! I was looking forward to reading your next story. Will review it
>>55856662Incredibly kino art fern anon.
>"Looks like everything's in order!">Said Linoone, Reviewing today's route on the map.>He looked back to his passenger, a little zorua who was hugging him tightly.>Because he would be helping him out with delivery today, Linoone gave him a Delibird Deliveries hat. It was a bit too big for him, but they didn't have any smaller back at the post office. Admittedly, Linoone thought he looked adorable that way.>"First time, right?" He asked.>Fern simply nodded, anxious yet excited to see what a day as a DD worker looks like. >Linoone smiled back "Well, then make sure you hold on tight. I'll show you why I claim to be the fastest mailmon in the grass continent!"