>Hint Coin used!You finally reach a wall in your puzzle streak. You sigh and turn to Alice for some assistance, "Dang I'm stumped. Never was really good at logic puzzles. Any help Alice?"
"Ummm, is it Chansey?~"
"...Probably not. Let me consult the Hint Coin."
You take out the measly golden coin from your pocket, and you use it up. It poofs away in a cloud of dust as soon as you use it, and in its stead, a small fortune cookie scroll appears.
You glance over it.
>Holy shit, you seriously can't solve this? GodDAMN you must be some kind of retarded. How many chromosomes do you even have? Three extra ones? Do you even know what chromosomes are? Here, let me help you out since you're too braindead to do this yourself, Einstein. >Here we go, you better take notes you dipshit: Only one person is lying here, faggot. Take a closer look at their statements before you go EHHHH? on me.>If you assume A is the faggot fibber, then A didn't eat the fish. Uh okay dumbfuck, but stick with me--now think, does it support the other two brothers' statements, or does it make someone else a liar? Work things out logically before bitching to me again you piece of shit."Oh wow, the guy who wrote this is mad."
A) A.
B) B.
C) C.
(1) Use your lifeline.
(3) Use your banana.