>>18219581A true protagonist always knows how to think on his feet dangerous, life-risking decisions, the kinds where literally the only thing keeping you from life and death is one screw-up!
Thankfully, in addition to your glimmering beauty, you also happen to have those qualities! From the corner of your eyes, you notice a pile of pebbles lying innocently in a patch of grass.
With perfect posture and movements as slick as fluid, you perform a variety of acrobatics until you reach the pebble pile.
"Consume this, inferiors!"
"F-Fear, fear!?"
You toss the pebbles into the air, like a game of fifty-two pickup. Then, with a majestic roundhouse kick, you smack all those stones on the way down towards the birds. It's like baseball BEFORE baseball, what beautiful posture! I give it a ten out of a ten!
"S-Sp, Speaaaaarrrr!"
The pebbles act like bullets as they pierce each bird multiple times in the chest. Too shocked to escape, the birdbrains are forced to endure five seconds of the worst torture they've ever experienced.
The ones that aren't dead know better than to mess with you any longer, they quickly fly away with their injuries, too pained to move on.
It just goes to show, no avian delinquents shall ever cross the path of you, the great and legendary,
Prince Calmé!Once the dust settles, our protagonist moves in to tend to the pixie in need. She's small, like any other fairy, but still human-shape.
"Excuse me, are you alright?" asks our hero, who kneels down respectfully to the young pixie.
>The pixie...A) is completely fine; well done!
B) is famished and in need of sustenance!
C) is alone, her parents are nowhere to be found!