>>42543188This also comes in line with Fairy types strength lores.
Fae folk were very effective against Humans that had evil/greedy/selfish intentions. This is just the Devil calling its lambs to the slaughter really. Karmic Justice.
They are super effective against Fighting because Fae folk would unnerve Humans, even Brawlers/Fighters to a sense of calm/unease where they can't fight back.
Likewise, they are super effective against Dragons because the Fae folk were the masters of Dragons. Whenever a human colony pissed off Fae folk too much, they'd send out Dragons to fuck shit up. Dragons essentially instantly bow to the whims of Fae folk; however, Elder Dragons, could actually rival the minor Fae folk; however there is mostly agreement between the two races that "Humans are fucking dicks, lets eat em".
Their weakness to Steel is in Lore as well, you could stop a Fae folk from flying away by giving them lead/metal to hold, and Knights were essentially Fae proof in their armor. Fae folk, fuck with your Mind, but ultimately are creatures of a savage nature using talons, fangs, and claws. Plus, their skin is highly porus, they are easily soak up metal ions, which is why they aren't very effective with Fire. (Where there is Fire, there is usually metals) As per Poison, this is also because of Lore, and the Fae folk having extremely poros skin.
There was once a time where the Fae and the Humans lived side by side in peace; however there were two great Sins committed by Humans.
The first; The Slaying of Harlequin by the Nords. Harlequin was the King of the Fae, who was killed by the Nords; this created a huge amount of antimosity for hundreds of years between the two races. The two races reconciled this with the wedding of Gaiwan and The Fae Queen.
However; the second sin was unforgivable, and resulted in the ultimate hatred towards Humans especially from other races. The Slaying of the Unicorn.