>>38144600The only complaints about the DS era were that they were slow, and the gyms were getting lazy. 3DS era made the gameplay even slower but now they could save fast. It was such trash that they pandered exclusively to online battles because they didn't know how to make a 3D game, so they put in stuff to max your EV's, make breeding easy, and farm items/berries. Then they made the Gen III remake and it sucked so Hoennbabeis cried about kanto pandering for the last three years. SMUSUM were hand holding as fuck with more cut scenes than gameplay still GF didn't know how to emote the players face to reflect what is happening around them.
Weird thing about the nostalgia pandering is that I never hear kids crying about it. It's always older players who the pandering is aimed at, or pissed off zoomers that didn't get into the games till Gen III or IV.