>>46622248>What would life be like if you had a Ralts member IRL?I can't imagine having a dangerous creature with the possible power to destroy the planet when someone close to it gets hurt would be a good idea. TLDR we'd probably be dead, especially if there are many of them.
>>What is more naturally plausible on a Gardevoir? Tits or Ass?Ass.
>>How would you react if your son caught a female Ralts?I mean, if I'm in the Pokemon world capturing pokemon is the norm. So I'd make sure they take good care of each other and also make sure that Ralts wants to be with him.
>Do Gardevoir naturally love eating Pizza?Pokemon like food, as long as the pizza isn't one of its disliked flavors its probably okay. Or if they don't like cheese.
>>Can each member grow their hair out? If so, how would you want to style it?I like to think they can. I think growing it out would be a nice look.
>>Do you consider Gardevoir your waifu?No. Waifu is a weird term and its even weirder to apply to a fictional species of creatures rather than a specific character.