>>37786273Look I believed in the Grinch leak and I realize how that bit me in the ass but just because you called one leak fake by staring into every small detail like an autist makes you no expert. It's like that 17 year old from Parkland claiming he was an expert of guns because he got shot at.
That being said they do concepts before the game is released, and assuming they've been planning for two and a half years that's the end of 2016 before SM got released, and art is always first done. And if there was no reason to use Chicken-chan then why would they use Serena for Bewear's concept art? If anything, they made pokemon before trainers OR Ash is gonna get clapped in the league by Astrobun, similar to Blaziken.
Pulling a random png of Chicken for a size comparison would be more accurate instead of drawing the bun to scale.