>>20178814The problem was she was so annoying and shrill (which tumblrfags take to mean "muh independent and stronk grrl") that it blocked out a lot of her redeeming qualities. I won't deny she doesn't share a bond with Ash that's unique, but then again, Ash has a unique bond with all the girls (the worst and most forgettable obviously being Iris). Sure, even when they brought her back to meet the Hoenn crew, and she looked nicer (dat outfit was awwwwright, but they seriously could have also given her more downwards hair to indicate she'd changed a bit) with it signifying she's doing her own thing, but even then, its just hard to forget how much a cunt she's been.
Also, while she didn't poison May like Iris poisoned Dawn as much (at least I think, I haven't seen that episode fully), there was still that influence. Misty and Iris are the kind of women who will gladly knock a dude down a peg or two for the hell of it or bring up old shit when someone is trying to make a change for the better and/or remake themselves, i.e. Ash.