>>36744746For starters, it wasn't another repeat of the same story that we have been having since R/S (BW1 aside since it had a different background, actual characters and development despite following the same story beats).
Of course, how much you can enjoy the story
relies entirely on how much you manage to like Lillie, which makes sense since it's a character-driven story. A personal drama vs a save the world plot.
And something that people seem to despise but that I deeply enjoyed is
that the player isn't at the center of the universe but rather is just the bodyguard of the actual protagonist which is unique for pokémon and almost for videogames as a whole.
Then come the evil teams with backgrounds that make more sense than usual and aren't trying to achieve anything too far out there, unlike pretty much all of them except Rocket.
Then comes USUM and tries to frankenstein that intimate story into a save the world one and the result is a smelly ball of unfiltered garbage. A pile of alolan grimer teeth.
It was nice that it had so many side-quests and extra flavor added to Alola though.
So yeah, I enjoyed playing through SM's story and Alola's quirks. Not so much what was left after that.
>>36744785Lusamine makes no fucking sense in USUM. Like
how does her hero complex correlate to the child abuse earlier?