old thread:
>>17858324>how do i make cool pokemon1. Go to pokecheck, make an account there and search for the pokemon you want. You can click the "filter" button to add more search conditions. Look for something as close as possible to what you want, don't worry about IVs and nature, they can be edited, just make sure the ability and moves etc are all what you want.
2. Download your desired pokemon's pkmn file and open it in pokegen.
3. Click the "f" box next to the PID field. Edit the IVs, gender and ability as desired, then press search.
If you're not getting desired results, give a stat that you don't care about a higher priority so pokecheck will be willing to compromise on that stat to get you a better spread.
4. Save that pkmn file, upload it to pokecheck, check it's legality then download it to your game.