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Koko and A-Raichu will be the primary duo to look out for. Especially considering Koko blocks sleep. A-Raichu becomes blinding fast in the terrain and it's moves hit like a ton of bricks.
I think Fire-Tapu will set Drought and Ghost-Tapu will set Fog. Dunno why, but Fog seems "eerie" and fits a Ghost well.
Teams unprepared for Tapus will lose.
Garchomp is solid as is, so you'll see him a lot. Depending on stats, Crabrawler2 may be a solid check (if it's Ice/Fighting).
Morelull2 will be the amoongus this go round so we'll have to worry bout that. Again though, Koko blocks sleep and if he gets a special Flying move like Air Slash, then it may be okay.
>tfw live in Dallas so I literally have a month to theorymon, breed and go to my first VGC.