Ruby already off to a good start! Chick Riff managed to solo Roxanne all on his own after spending some time grinding from Torchic to Combusken, Salmon Cat likewise soloing Brawly as Gust was just enough to 2KO both Machop and Makuhita after Bulk Up, really a stroke of luck that she ended up the exact level to pull that off!
>>57419379I have a bunch of small ideas here and there, but I'm mostly playing things by ear and relying on knowledge of full series nuzlockes past, like not using up Mudkip until Emerald so he can at least deal with Wattson. I've also tried my best to avoid using mons that appear in Colosseum and XD since the options are so limited in those games, but I've allowed myself to use some mons that I don't think would be especially useful there (like Pidgeot, Beedrill or Ledian). I'll be sprinkling the two GC games before and after FRLG (so RS -> C -> FRLG -> XD -> Emerald), which will definitely help keep things fresh