>musichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKbVfsRYiQM>favorite gameSomething from the Trails, Monster Hunter or Soul series. This changes too often to give a definitive answer. I can't rank the amount of fun I've had with a game. Going by replay numbers alone, though, it would be something Pokemon.
>habitImagining the really bad scenario of any situation I'm in great detail. For example, I'm on a plane? What if this crashed, everyone died, everything was lost and I'm lost all alone in middle of the ocean with sharks. How would I live. If I didn't, when would someone find out I was eaten by sharks. Will they find out. If they do, how would my family and loved ones react to knowing the kid they raised since he was born was torn into pieces and digested, turned into shit. If I do survive, how would everyone react to that miracle.
Despite this, though, I'm a pretty cheerful guy. I only do this when I'm bored, to entertain myself.